Rocky’s Documentation!
This is what I put together to explain my reasoning for entering Rocky in Historical with some notes about his design and construction.
Click on the image or this link to open the PDF,
This is what I put together to explain my reasoning for entering Rocky in Historical with some notes about his design and construction.
Click on the image or this link to open the PDF,
A quick and mostly-easy hall costume inspired by Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, and the number of times my rainbow mohawk inspired frazzled moms to distract their fussy kids by pointing at it and saying, “look, he has hair just like Rainbow Dash!”
I was super pleased to discover that Mendel’s Art Supplies was still open in the Haight, so made a beeline there while we were up in San Francisco for Xmas. The base fur is “Punky Muppet” Granite color. This is a premier faux fur, 1.5″ pile, that is dense enough to shave down to shorter…
The next step was to do more shaping on the main pieces of the skull with the Dremel. We got a bunch more sanding and shaping heads, and Andy and I each took one of the masks and worked on it for ourselves. This let us each give our own mask a bit of personalized…
Bill will be adding details of his Bullwinkle build as time and opportunity present
A note on piecing the fur I’ve mentioned a couple times I’m using a special technique to to piece the fur so the seams are almost invisible. The first trick is carefully cutting the yardage from the back with a sharp blade, cutting just through the knit backing, so the pile (fur) isn’t chopped off….
After the first painting with unbleached titanium, next came a wash with a mixture of watered-down burnt sienna, raw sienna, and Mars black. This involves applying a fair amount of the watered paint and then blotting with a damp paper towel. In the SKS video, this looked sort of snotty green, but for us it…