Incremental Progress
Had a board meeting, so only got a tiny bit more done — upper big teeth and building out the lower jaw a little.
Had a board meeting, so only got a tiny bit more done — upper big teeth and building out the lower jaw a little.
Over the weekend I got almost all the main assembly done for both skulls (there’s one final piece that extends off the back of the mask) and did an initial pass at shaping all those square foam edges with a tapered grinding stone on my Dremel mototool. (the regular kind of Dremel, not the coping…
The paint dried on Rocky’s pupils so I cut them out and did a quick test with masking tape holding them inside.
Every equine character on My LIttle Pony has “cutie marks” on their flanks, and Pinky Pie is no exception. Her cutie mark is a trio of party balloons with contrasting strings, two blue and one yellow. When I did Rainbow Dash, I was able to purchase iron-on patches of his cloud-and-thunderbolt cutie mark, but I…
Before the foam can be cut with my Dremel coping saw, I have to make sure the pieces will *fit* in the arm of the saw, so I chunked it up
Now that the skull masks are painted, we needed the rest of the heads. After adding elastic loops to close the jaws, and another, adjustable bad of 1” elastic that goes behind our head to secure it*, we considered our options. PAWCon is only 3 days away! We decided to go for simple fur hoods,…
Identity Disk, roughed out After a fair amount of banging away at it, I have a reasonable facsimile of the “Identity Disk” for Castor. Fortunately the Tron cosplay/prop community measured and shared the dimensions of the prop, unfortunately that was for 3D printing, and modeling it in 10mm EVA foam offered a few challenges. But,…