Rocky’s Got Back!
One of the items I wanted to improve on Rocky was the shape of the fursuit body. It was a very simple “onesie” design, which was mostly ok in still photos but did not move well in action, just way too baggie. I’ve been meaning to revisit this and give him a better silhouette.
Giving Rocky a waistline
The first step was just to change the shape of the suit itself. The body was essentially a cylinder, so I measured my waist, added a bit for ease (and rigging/padding underneath), and reshaped the suit. First I marked and hand-tacked the new shape into the side seams, reversed the suit and combed out the pile, then tried it on for effect. Once I was satisfied (I got it right the first time, hurrah!), I marked the new seamlines, cut away the fur (from the back) with an XActo knife, and re-stitched the new seams with the same over-the-edge assembly technique I used all through the suit.
The change is subtle, but even without adding padding the fit and drape were already improved.
Building the furniture
(AKA adding padding to give Rocky a better shape.)
I did not want to build an elaborate padded suit for Rocky, just add enough to continue shifting the silhouette away from baggy onesie on relatively skinny human. I decided to take advantage of the waist belt that was already part of the interior tail rigging, and just hang a little bit of cushioning from that. For each side I cut a NuFoam shape that should, under the fursuit, create a little bit of butt on either side of the tail and bulk out the upper leg a little bit. After cutting and laminating the basic pads, I covered them in (old) spandex I had aging in a box for comfort’s sake, and added belt loops and a bottom leg loop to each.
Here’s what all the interior rigging looks like. Pardon the squint, it was a bright but chilly winter morning. (These are the “best” of some 41 shots Andy grabbed)
Rocky’s in Great Shape Now!
The end result is everything I hoped for from such a simple modification (and only about 4 hours work!).
Rocky’s silhouette is no longer baggy, and the extra padding further breaks the impression of a onesie on a skinny human (even with sneakers instead of his feet). As an unexpected benefit, the silhouette change results in him having a more heroic chest as well, which I’m sure he’s as happy about as I am 🙂
Even better, I got all this done well in time for Further Confusion 2025, so he’ll probably be in the Fursuit Parade!