Fursuit body test
Next up is building Rocky’s body. He’s such a simple character design that I’m going for a very simple onesie style fursuit rather than one with sculpted padding. I’m using the Andrea Schewe Simplicity 2853 pattern for the starting point. I will, however be using a number of tricks (including Matrices’ technique for installing the zipper) to end up with a more refined finished suit.
Before I cut into that o-so-expensive fur, however, I need to do a mockup. I had just enough of the green fur left to do the 4 big panels and scrounged some weird knit eyelash fabric out of the stash for the sleeves. I *did* try Matrices’ technique and went ahead and installed the zipper even in the mockup to see if it would work.
The result was quite satisfying! (captions to be added later)