Chunking the foam for cutting
Before the foam can be cut with my Dremel coping saw, I have to make sure the pieces will *fit* in the arm of the saw, so I chunked it up
Before the foam can be cut with my Dremel coping saw, I have to make sure the pieces will *fit* in the arm of the saw, so I chunked it up
Meet Cooper! He’s my friend Rae’s youngest dog, a typically rambunctious Aussie.I’ve been meaning to design and build a canine fursuit for my puppy fursona “Qubit” for a while, and when I saw pictures of Cooper as a young pup, I asked Rae if I could have some photos of him from which to model…
The fur hoods look great, but I kept thinking mine needed werewolf ears. So I made some! I used the ear pattern I developed for my neoprene pup mask to make these. The neoprene has two fabric on both faces, unlike the fur, so I started by cutting two of the main ear out of…
Just a few snaps from the audience from my performance of “Pink Pony Club” in my Pinky-Pie inspired wardrobe.I’m hoping for some with better white balance in the near future. My friend Christine also recorded a video, but I haven’t processed and uploaded it yet.
After about four hours work, Rocky’s silhouette is greatly improved for his future appearances!
A note on piecing the fur I’ve mentioned a couple times I’m using a special technique to to piece the fur so the seams are almost invisible. The first trick is carefully cutting the yardage from the back with a sharp blade, cutting just through the knit backing, so the pile (fur) isn’t chopped off….
The goal is to achieve something reminiscent of Michael Sheen’s costume as Castor/Zuse in Tron: Legacy. Without having to build a frockcoat from scratch. I started with a very inexpensive costume “frockcoat” purchased via AliExpress. It was essentially constructed like a labcoat — no lining, made of inexpensive cotton/poly twill, and the “waistcoat” is actually…