Bullwinkle at CC42!

Bill will be adding details of his Bullwinkle build as time and opportunity present
Bill will be adding details of his Bullwinkle build as time and opportunity present
After the first painting with unbleached titanium, next came a wash with a mixture of watered-down burnt sienna, raw sienna, and Mars black. This involves applying a fair amount of the watered paint and then blotting with a damp paper towel. In the SKS video, this looked sort of snotty green, but for us it…
Now that the skull masks are painted, we needed the rest of the heads. After adding elastic loops to close the jaws, and another, adjustable bad of 1” elastic that goes behind our head to secure it*, we considered our options. PAWCon is only 3 days away! We decided to go for simple fur hoods,…
The sides of Rocky’s aviator cap were a bit poofy when I was done, so I obsessively picked out about 5 inches of each (double stitched) seam and adjusted them. The fit is much nicer now. Goggle Design — patterning Rocky’s goggles are more of a suggestion than functional — they never move from the…
One of Rocky’s signature features is his giant fluffy tail (it often rises taller than his head in the cartoons). After finishing his head and flying cap, that tail is my next major construction challenge (and I only have 4 weeks left! eep!). I investigated several ways to make the tail free-standing and self-supporting, but…
Saturday I finally took the time to add the internal band that lets Rocky’s head rest securely on my own.
The last detail for the goggles was to attach them to the cap. It turned out I had some pale blue plastic snaps which were an almost perfect snap. A little bit of finesse in placing them, and Rocky can now wear his goggles on top of his head (as he is always drawn in…
Thanks for sharing your costume build for those of us who will not be attending the convention.
Thanks! Bill and I should be posting regular updates to our respective build diaries here.