Meet Qubit!
Meet Cooper! He’s my friend Rae’s youngest dog, a typically rambunctious Aussie.I’ve been meaning to design and build a canine fursuit for my puppy fursona “Qubit” for a while, and when I saw pictures of Cooper as a young pup, I asked Rae if I could have some photos of him from which to model…

Rocky’s Got Back!
After about four hours work, Rocky’s silhouette is greatly improved for his future appearances!
dogs at PAW (with bonus squirrel)
just some pix from the convention

The better to hear you with, my dear
The fur hoods look great, but I kept thinking mine needed werewolf ears. So I made some! I used the ear pattern I developed for my neoprene pup mask to make these. The neoprene has two fabric on both faces, unlike the fur, so I started by cutting two of the main ear out of…

Getting Further Along!***
Now that the skull masks are painted, we needed the rest of the heads. After adding elastic loops to close the jaws, and another, adjustable bad of 1” elastic that goes behind our head to secure it*, we considered our options. PAWCon is only 3 days away! We decided to go for simple fur hoods,…

New Improved Shorts for Pinky Pie
The one thing I was REALLY unhappy with in my Pinky Pie outfit for the performance was the pink booty shorts. They managed to be a little too baggy in the legs, too tight in the waist, plus the whole malformed zipper fly. This is no doubt why they ended up in the “meh” bin…

So many layers of paint!
After the first painting with unbleached titanium, next came a wash with a mixture of watered-down burnt sienna, raw sienna, and Mars black. This involves applying a fair amount of the watered paint and then blotting with a damp paper towel. In the SKS video, this looked sort of snotty green, but for us it…

First layers of color… unbleached titanium
The first of four rounds of painting on the skulls was with liquitex Unbleached Titanium paint. First a wash with a fair amount of water plus the paint, which left the dark red skulls looking like they’d been dug out of a dusty pit. Then after that dried, drybrushing with scant amounts of the same…

Painting Part 1: Base Coats
We’re working directly from the SKS Props tutorial here. I took the masks to work, where I have access to a genuine paint spray hood in the machine shop. First was two coats of black PlastiDip spray. I was concerned that the plastic might obscure all the texturing work we’d done on the foam, but…