Costume Galleries

Costume Galleries
  • Rainbow Dash

    A quick and mostly-easy hall costume inspired by Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic, and the number of times my rainbow mohawk inspired frazzled moms to distract their fussy kids by pointing at it and saying, “look, he has hair just like Rainbow Dash!”

  • In Space, No One Can Hear You Tap

    Awarded: Judges Choice for “Best Choreography” in the Master Division at the 58th World Science Fiction Convention in Chicago, Illinois Aug 31-September 4, 2000 Original evil concept: Kevin Roche Breakaway Spacesuit / Tie and Tails ensemble Designed, constructed, and assembled by Kevin Roche Jemima the Alien : Designed and constructed by Kate Morgenstern, Bridget Landry and Belle Davis with…

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